Monday, June 18, 2012

The Wall of Prayer

The topic of prayer is one that could probably be discussed and studied from now until eternity and never be exhausted. There have been hundreds if not thousands of books, sermons, lessons, etc that have been presented on the topic.  I just want to add my two cents worth here.

First of all I believe that prayer should be prayed at a specific time.  I know you will say to me, "but I can pray any time", and your are right.  You can and do and so do I. But I also have a specific time when I go to God and meet with Him.  It is our time.  It is a time when I do not allow other things to interfere.  It is a time set aside for just me and God.  And oh, how special it is. 

My special time of prayer is early in the morning.  I don't want to start my day without talking to God.  Most mornings I start before I get out of bed.  I just lie there and listen to the birds and feel the cool morning breeze blow in from the fields and just say good morning to Him and listen to Him tell me how much He loves me.  Later on in the morning I will move into a more structured time of prayer.  When I bring my concerns of the day, my praise and my thanksgiving to Him.  But that is our time, our specific time for prayer.

Secondly, I believe we should have a specific place for prayer.  Again you will say, "but I can pray anywhere" and again you are right.  I pray in my truck driving down the road, on the tractor in the field, at work in the office, at church or any place else when I feel the need to pray.  But I believe it is important to set aside a certain, specific place where you and God can meet and talk.  I call it my "home field advantage".

When playing sports most teams want to play on their own field, their home field.  There they are comfortable with the surroundings and can play their best game.  If I am going to fight the devil and go into battle with him about the issues of my life, I want to fight on my ground.  I want the home field advantage. 

An old pastor had a unique way of establishing this home field advantage.  He had a small hill behind his house and when it came time for his prayer with God, when he had a certain burden to take to God, he carried a rock to the top of the hill and placed it in a pile there.  It became his altar to God. I am told that before his death there was a massive pile of rocks there on top of that old hill.

Not only do I believe we should have a specific time and a specific place for prayer, I also believe we should pray specifically.

If my prayer for you is "God bless _____ today".  God may bless you but if I am not specific in my prayer how will I know that God has answered?  For instance if I pray "God help my friend today" and do not address your specific need, God may help you but I will not know and can not thank Him for it and tell others about His wonderful intervention in your life.

It is much more beneficial if I pray, "God my friend needs $50 today to pay the bills" or "My friend needs to be relieved of the pain in his knee" or "God help my friend have peace about this event in his life".  Then when God breaks in and does His work, my friend will know, I will know and we can tell the wonderful things that God has done, specifically. 

Set aside a specific time, sanctify a specific place and pray specifically.  I believe you will see that this wall will help protect you from the wiles of the devil. 

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