Recently, I had the privilege of speaking at a "Homecoming" service. I'm not sure what good the message did for others but it helped me. I'll not try to cram the whole message into one short devotion but will slice it up so you won't have to eat the whole elephant at one time but you can eat it one bite at a time.
The first point I want to make to you is from the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. According to which Bible scholar you read, the events in these books took place at about the same time. God placed a burden on the heart of Ezra to return to Jerusalem and re-build the temple that had been destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar about 100 years before.
At about the same time He also put in the heart of Nehemiah the burden to return and re-build the walls surrounding the city. Both of these men had a definite calling from God. Both felt the passion to get the job done for God's glory. Both went about their task with great resolve. The interesting thing is that nowhere in the scripture do you find Ezra saying, "I just wish Nehemiah would get with the program. All he wants to do is play with that wall. He needs to understand the importance of the temple".
And nowhere do you hear Nehemiah saying, "Ezra should come and help us. Everyone else is working hard on these walls. I don't understand why he is so obsessed with the temple".
Instead they worked on the project that God gave them and they gave their all to see that it was accomplished according to God's plan.
I don't see that in our churches today, do you? What I see and hear are people who say, "The youth are the church of tomorrow. We need to get involved with our youth". Others will say, "The senior adults are the people who have the knowledge and wisdom to help us build the church. That is where we need to focus our efforts". Others stress the music, the missionaries, VBS or some other project and if you don't get on board with their efforts then surely their sincerity and commitment to God is questioned.
Let me say that if God has given you a passion for music or youth or VBS or visitation or whatever it might be, get to it! Go at it with all your heart and soul but don't brow-beat your fellow Christian because he or she does not get as excited as you do about it. They may have another passion another project that God has shown them.
Establish your temple, build your walls under God's leadership and tutelage.
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