Friday, January 15, 2016


As a young boy in school, if I needed to understand what a word meant, I was encouraged by my parents and teachers to "look it up in the dictionary".  Today we usually turn to the internet.  Wikipedia or Google can tell you anything you want to know, right?

Well, according to the internet, FAITH is defined as follows:

"A belief not based on proof". 

The writer of Hebrews must have somehow known this "definition" was coming.  Perhaps faith was being questioned in that day and time as it is today.  Because of that, he begins his  discourse regarding faith in Hebrews chapter 11 with this statement:

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen".  Heb. 11: 1

More definitions:

Substance = material, the essential part of something

Example:  When my uncle Dick, who was a carpenter, started building a house, he would make up a list of "materials".  He listed 2 x 4's, 2 x 12's, squares of roofing, 4 x 8 plywood, bricks and blocks.  All materials he would need to construct this structure. The substance was what the house was made of.

When my aunt Grace would make those fantastic fruit cakes that she made for Christmas, she would get her materials together.  She would have apples, oranges, nuts, milk, flour and all sorts of stuff to make her cake. The substance of the cake was the combination of the materials, all essential parts of the whole.

Evidence=fact, proof, confirmation

Example:  In a court of law each attorney will present pieces of evidence to the court in order to "prove"  or confirm the facts they are trying to establish. A bullet fragment, a finger print, a gun, a knife, DNA are all examples of "evidence",

So this "unproved belief" that the internet speaks of is actually "essential material, facts that can be observed".

In Chilton County we would say "It's real stuff that we can see". 

We usually don't think of faith in that light, do we?  Faith is considered as some mystic, way out there, other-worldly, spiritual.....something.  But can I share Paul's take on this with you?  Read his words in Hebrews chapter 11.  Over 25 times in this chapter we are given examples, evidence if you will, of what faith DID.  Over and over we read "By faith ________ did this or that". 

I propose to you that faith is not some "mystic fog floating around in the atmosphere of our souls".  FAITH IS AN ACTION WORD. If you have faith others should know it by the way you live and by what you DO. 

To often we want others to just accept our testimony that "I believe God" without the "evidence" to prove that statement.

  • If you have faith that God heals you.  Act healed until you are.
  • If you have faith that God will provide for your financial problems, act like He has.
  • If you have faith that you have repented, walk daily in that repentance.
  • If you believe that you are an "overcomer" face the world like you have overcome.
  • If you believe that this is God's church served Him like it is.
What I'm saying is that people should be able to "see" your faith. Your faith should be full of substance and evidenced by how you live and what you do. 

Don't drag your weary body into the sanctuary, plop yourself down in your "spot" and moan about your hard week, sick body, poor financial status, doubts and fears and then as an epilogue proclaim for all to hear "I have faith brothers and sisters that God will bring me through".  IF YOU HAVE FAITH LIVE LIKE YOU HAVE FAITH.

"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven".  Matthew 5: 16

I have often said the reason our neighbors, friends, co-workers and family don't want to be Christians is because they have never seen one in ACTION.  Take a look at the life you are living.  Take a look at how you behave each day. Look at what others "see" in you. My prayer for you and for me today is that our faith will be the substantial evidence that proves our undeniable faith. 

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