Wednesday, June 12, 2013


 For years I have entertained the idea of writing a novel.  Now if you are reading this you probably realize that my aspiration is a bad idea.  I can’t spell, my grammar is awful, I’m not good with sentence structure and I’m awful with character development just to name a few reasons that this would not work.  But I do think I have a good idea for a novel.

Most good novels have one or two hero’s.  These are strong, brave, smart, courageous people who take matters into their own hands and do super stuff like saving the world or stomping out evil villains.  In our society we think of solders, law enforcement officers, firemen and the like as those superheros.  But my book would present a different concept.  
I would first present the reader with the characters of the story.  There would be the town chief law enforcement official.  I would develop this character as strong, smart and a man who can take control of any situation.  Another character would be a buff, muscular, fearless firefighter who is looked up to as a man who can do anything from carrying little old ladies down the ladder from a burning building to saving cats from trees. He would be the one people would turn to in any emergency.  I might introduce a city or county leader who has a cool and calm demeanor and can lead his people in things that need to be done to keep themselves safe.  Another might be a war hero who is back home and ready to lead the people he has served. 

But then I’d introduce the reader to some other folk.  These guys would be the “not so special” people of the town.  Perhaps the town drunk.  Perhaps a guy who has lost his job and his home to bankruptcy.  I might introduce a single mother who is struggling to make ends meet or a troubled teen with more questions than answers.  I might acquaint you with an elderly person considered by the populace as useless, helpless and a imposition on their community. 

Then I’d drop all of these people into a disastrous situation.  It might be a train wreck, a plane crash, a civil disturbance or some other circumstance that would challenge and endanger the community.  Then we would watch as the normal leaders and hero’s fall apart and lose control of the incident and unceremoniously, the common, every day, no-bodies, step in, take over and heroically save the day. 

These un-superheros would somehow turn into SUPERHEROS.  They would be right up there with Superman, Batman, The Green Lantern or whatever other champion you might envision.  Through their common sense approach and their unassuming, clear headed thinking they would “get’er done”. 

Of course that is just the short version of the book.  But can you see the attraction here?  I can see you right now associating yourself with one of these un-superheros? You are wondering who would play you in the movie version.  Which movie star would they cast in the role of you?    

 Good idea for a book?  Maybe, but I think it’s already been done.  As I read the little book called “The Acts of the Apostles” I see that someone, a doctor named Luke, has taken my idea and with the help of The Holy Spirit, developed it into a best seller.

He tells how fishermen, tax collectors and “table waiters” move in obedience to the Spirit’s leading and not only beat the bad guy but literally “save the world” by introducing them to Jesus. Luke tells how God uses the little guys, the unknowns, the untrained, the uneducated of this world to accomplish His goals.   

There are enough Superhero’s in the world.  What we need are a few good, obedient, un-superhero’s who are led by the Spirit and looking for an opportunity to do something extraordinary in an ordinary way.    

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