Monday, August 20, 2012


If you ask most people from around here they would tell you we live in a Christian nation.  I suppose that is a semi-true statement, IF you use the term very lightly.  I haven't done a study and I'm not sure how you would verify the results but I'm sure someone has a survey somewhere of the people who claim to be Christian and who "believe" in God.  

For example, if you asked "the man on the street", "Do you believe in God"?  You would most likely get an affirmative answer from an overwhelming number of responders. 

What about:  "Do you believe God sent His Son to die for your sins"? 
"Do you believe there is a heaven and a hell"?
"Do you believe Jesus has gone to prepare a place for Christians when they die"?

I understand that I live in a rural section of the "Bible belt". I realize that my residence is in basically the "Heart of the Heart of Dixie" and if you conducted the same survey in other locations around the U.S. there might be a different response.  But the average man/woman in our community would respond with a resounding "yes" to each of those questions.  Their belief is strong. 

In our church especially, the answer to those questions would no doubt be in the affirmative.  But if you believe something strongly, should not that belief have some life changing effect on your behavior?

I believe in an omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (ever present) God.  But does my behavior reflect that belief?  If my God is all of those "omni" things why do I drag and slump and frown and struggle through the day? 

If God sent His Son to free me from the guilt of my sins why do I not ask for His forgiveness?
If God gave me His Holy Spirit to free me from the chains of my sins, why am I content to be held by them?  If there really is a heaven and a hell why don't we make plans to live in one and shun the other?  If Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us, why don't we prepare to live there?

I understand the scripture that says "Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved" but simple mental recognition is not what that scripture is promoting.  Our belief must make a change in our lives.  We must accept Jesus as our Savior and allow Him to make the necessary changes in our lives that will prepare us to serve Him here and live with Him forever in that place which He has prepared for us. 

Take just a moment today and do a maintenance check on your life.  What you believe is probably pretty established.  But ask yourself the question, "Has what I believe made a difference in who I am and how I live". 

God wants us to be different.  Believe in such a way that it changes your Behavior. 

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