Monday, July 30, 2012


O.K. I know if you were in our Sunday school class last Sunday you have already heard most of this.  But it impressed me and I want to write about it. 

We discussed the story of Saul and the witch at Endor from I Samuel chapter 28.  You probably already know the story but if you don't then grab your copy of the Word and read it.  I won't take up your time trying to tell the story to you.

One of the points that the lesson writer made and Robert brought out so clearly is the fact that Saul had made a proclamation that all those who were witches and fortune tellers, etc were to be destroyed.  Get them out of the country and don't let them practice their false trade.  That sounds pretty wise of Saul.  That sounds like a king who is doing what's best for his people.  But when Saul got in a bind, when he could not call on Samuel or any of the other prophets, he turned to the very thing that he had stood against. He sought out a witch and depended on her wisdom.

We point accusing fingers at Saul.  He was not being a good leader.  He was doing the right thing but for the wrong reason.  He was doing the thing that seemed popular.  He was doing the things that people thought were right but he was not doing them because he believed in them. 

And just about the time I started to get really down on Saul, I was reminded of a time in my life when I did the same thing. I had served God since early childhood. Through elementary school, and into high school and even through my time in the military.  I had taught for Him and sang for Him and even preached for Him.  If you would have looked at my life you would have said, "Good ole Bill, he sure is doing the right things".  But I was doing them for the wrong reasons. 

I came to a place in my life where I said to myself, " I've done what my Mom and Dad have wanted, I've done what my family has wanted, I've done what my church has wanted and sometimes I have done what God has wanted.  But I'm tired of doing what everyone else wants, I want to do what I want".  And so I did.

I told God to leave me alone and let me do my own thing.  I had been doing all the right things but for all the  wrong reasons. 

I'm so glad for the mercy of God.  I'm so glad that He didn't let me go as far as Saul went.  Saul died on a lonely battlefield by his own hand. I could have gone that far but God's grace was poured out on me.  I've told you before but can I tell you once more?

I was on the side of a hill down at Higgins Ferry Park.  I was clearing brush.  I lived there and worked there.  As far away from people as I could get.  As far away from God as I could get.  My Dad had always taught me to fix the things I had broken and messed up.  But as I worked out there on that hillside that morning I knew and acknowledged to Him that I couldn't fix the mess I had made. 

Because of my sin I had lost my wife, my family, my job, my teens and my church....and worst of all my relationship with my God.  "I can't fix it Lord, I just can't make it right or fix it" I cried out. 

There were no angles singing, no thunder from heaven. There was no whirlwind, rushing mighty waters or lightening bolts.  But as sure as I live and breath the sweet, kind and merciful Jesus spoke to my heart and said, "You don't have to fix it, I fixed it 2000 years ago on an old rugged cross.  Follow me".

Can I tell you it touches me just as much right now as I sit in front of this computer as it did that morning.  I started following Him and over the years He has given me back, family, friends, church, children and my relationship with Him.

My prayer is that the things that I do, and "the things that happen unto me will fall out to the furtherance of the gospel of Jesus Christ".  I want to do the right things for the right reasons. 

Don't get caught in the trap.  Satan will be more than happy to let you run on and do good stuff as long as you do it from a sinful heart or a heart that is selfish.  But he will shake in his boots when our heart is forgiven and clean and we work for the glory of God.

1 comment:

  1. Such a good word. It is easy to follow the "truth" sometimes but much harder to follow the "spirit" of the Word. You can do the right things the wrong way and that always gets you in trouble. I know it has for me. I am glad God is merciful and gracious. He is so good to us. Love you
