Tuesday, April 24, 2012


My Dad was a man who usually said what he was thinking.  One day the local Baptist preacher came by to visit while Dad was working out around the house.  The Pastor was a man of many words and loved to converse and visit.  Dad, although quite a talker himself, was also a man who valued his time at work.  When he worked, he worked and when he talked, he talked.  After a long while of listening to the pastor run on about various and sundry topics Dad stopped him and said, "Preacher, you know, I believe a man who talks as much as you do has to lie sometimes". I'm not sure if that preacher ever came back to visit again. 

Well, I'm almost in the same boat.  I've read so much and said so much and heard so much that I'm not sure if I ever have an original thought.  I don't remember if the things I say are my thoughts or thoughts that I have heard or read.  However what I am about to share with you is certainly not original because I read it early this morning about 2:30 am.

I was unable to sleep and God led me to a book by Beth Moore.  She was talking about the shepherd King David and using his incident with Bathsheba, related three points that I thought were very insightful.  So much so that I will try to share them with you in my own simple way.  Beth had three steps, I have included a fourth step that I believe could be included here.

Step one in the sinning process is the SIN OF THE EYE. 

I heard this statement of all places in a movie I was watching a few years ago.  The insightful detective was trying to identify the bad guy who had been kidnapping people.  The detective asked the question, "What do we covet most?"  The answer to the question was "That which we most often see". 

The point being that what we look at most, what we allow ourselves to view most often is the thing that we enjoy seeing and will make an effort to see and obtain for ourselves. 

If we allow our eyes to look upon things that are unholy or sinful then our thoughts and minds will be swayed in that directions.  We must be careful to look at the things that are righteous and good for us.

Step two in the sinning process is the SIN OF THE MIND.

When we see something we like the next natural step is to think about that thing.  We focus our mind on what we would do if we had that thing, if we were able to use that thing for our own purposes.  We allow our thoughts to be captivated by it. 

Some might say "But we can't stop bad thoughts from entering into our minds".  Perhaps not, but I believe it may follow the same logic that an old man shared once.  He said, "You can't stop the birds from flying over your head but you can keep them from building a nest in your hat".

Because I believe we don't sin accidentally, I believe we must first think on the things that are against God's will.  From that point the sin moves to step three.

Step three in the process is the SIN OF THE MOUTH.

If we look upon sin and we think about sin we will undoubtedly begin to speak about that sin.  Ever enter a Sunday school class room or a gathering of people anywhere and just listen to the conversations?  People will naturally talk about the things that interest them.  Talk to a man long enough and he will bring the conversation around to the things that interest him or he will find a way to end the conversation. 

If our eyes look on evil and our thoughts are evil in no time at all our conversation will become evil.

Step four in the process is SIN OF THE BODY.

You can't see it, think about it, talk about it and never do it.  David saw Bathsheba on the roof. (He looked upon her with his eyes).   He considered her beauty.(He thought about her).  He inquired  about her. (He talked about her).  And ultimately he sent for her. (He sent for her). What David did in his sinful situation, you and I will do if we allow ourselves to walk in his footsteps. 

The methodology of sin is evident and sure.  But the methodology of NOT SINNING is too.  What would be the easiest way to stop a run-away train?  Never let it get started. 

If at any point you find yourself participating in any one of these steps, STOP and confess to God your weakness or your sin.  Ask for forgiveness and ask God to help you in this area.  If we understand our enemy and his tactics we can better resist them. 

Watch your steps.  Do not enter into sin. 

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