Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I started my lifetime of church attendance my first few weeks on this earth.  This journey has continued until the present time in which most would say I am well advanced in years.

If asked, I would have told you I understood prayer and knew how to pray.  But a recent event has made me question my prayer connection or at least my part in prayer.

A friend and co-worker of my wife has been enduring a battle with cancer for over a year.  We have been sending cards, emails, encouragements and prayers to him and his family throughout the time.  However, his condition seems to worsen.  Yesterday, he went into surgery to remove more tumors.  He came out of the surgery with the doctors stating that he would “get worse before he gets better”. 

Last night he lay in the intensive care unit fighting for his life and I lay in my comfortable bed at home.  But all night long I would wake and go to God in prayer asking for his comfort and healing.  But even as I prayed I didn’t really know “how” to pray.  Should I pray for his healing?  Should I pray that God would take him to his eternal home with Him?  Should I simply ask God to do “whatever”?  I was unsure how I should pray because I did not know God’s will for him.

Joel 2:28 tells us that in the later days “old men will dream dreams and young men will see visions”.  As an old man, although vivid, my dreams never seem to make much sense to me or have any meaning. However, the dream I experienced last night spoke clearly to me.  Let me share it with you.

In my dream, a pastor was preaching in a church service.  As he exhorted the message God had laid upon his heart to his congregation, his wife sat at the back of the church with their tiny baby. I’m not sure of the baby’s age however it was not yet at the age where he could talk.

As the father continued with his sermon the wife suddenly stood to her feet and held the baby out toward the father.  The little baby reached out his arms and loudly and clearly cried “Daddy”.  The minister stopped his message in mid-sentence and started moving toward the baby, an ear to ear grin beaming across his face.  As he moved toward the baby the entire congregation stood and applauded and cheered. 

I don’t know your take on this but here is what I gained from the dream. 

The child:  Recognized his father and longed to be with him.  He called out to him and reached for him.

The father:  Was over-joyed that his child called his name and immediately moved toward him.

The congregation:  When they saw the love and reaction of the father they rejoiced with him.

As a child of God my goal is to recognize my Father and long to be with Him.  When I require help, I need only “call out His name” to get an immediate response.  

When God’s children call out to Him, He is pleased.  He moves, often moves heaven and earth, to come to their aid.

When others see our relationship with our Father they will rejoice and praise Him.

I woke this morning still not knowing how to pray for our friend but I was so at ease knowing that all I have to do is cry out  to my “Daddy” and He will handle all my problems. 

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