Thursday, February 16, 2012


I’ve never claimed to be a good animal trainer.  As a matter of fact, my dogs have always seemed to be the most misbehaved, stubborn, messed up animals in the town. Daddy used to say that you had to know more than the animal before you could teach it anything.  Therein might lie the problem.

But I have watched some animal training shows on T.V. and read some tips for teaching your dog how to behave.  It seems simple.  There are the basic things like sit, stay, roll over, play dead, fetch things that everyone tried to convey to their pets.  Most pets can master these commands quickly with a little work.  The more advanced task take time but a well behaved dog can be taught almost anything. 

Our pastor shared a story about his dog in Bible study that made me really understand an important point, not about dog training but about Christian principles.  I’d like to take the liberty of sharing his story with you. 

Our pastor is deaf and at one point in his life he had a service dog named Ryan.  Ryan would go with the pastor everywhere.  He would hear things that the pastor could not hear and then make the pastor aware of those things. 

Ryan had one favorite treat that he loved dearly.  Ryan loved cheese.  The pastor would use a piece of cheese to reward Ryan for good deeds or behaving well. 

Often to teach Ryan obedience the pastor would place a piece of cheese on the floor in front of Ryan and give the command “no”.  He would walk away and watch what Ryan would do.  The dog would sit there and stare at the cheese.  Sometimes his body would even tremble and shake because he wanted to get to this tasty tid-bit.  But Ryan was an obedient animal and would not touch the cheese. 

At other times the pastor would place the cheese on the floor and give the command “leave it”.  Immediately Ryan would take his gaze off of the cheese and look directly at the pastor.  Instead of looking at the cheese his eyes were fixed on his master.  Where ever his master would walk, Ryan’s eyes would follow. There was no trembling or longing for the treat now because he had heard the order, he loved his master and his desire was to forsake the treat no matter how much he wanted it and look to his owner in obedience.   

Wow, if I could just be as smart as Ryan!  But what do I do?  My master says “leave it” and I continue looking.  And as I gaze upon the temptation, the treat, my inner being seems to tremble and shake because I want this “thing” so much.  I may obey but I am miserable because I can’t have what I want.

If I could only listen to my master when He says “Leave it” and turn my eyes off the things that I want and focus completely on Him, my temptations will not be the center of my thoughts and feelings. 

Looking on, focusing on, thinking about whatever it is that tempts me is complete foolishness.  It will ultimately lead me to failure.  It makes about as much sense as an alcoholic saying that he is trying to quit drinking but goes to the bar to be with his friends.  “Oh, I’m not going to drink.  I’m just going to sit and have a good time of conversation and enjoyment”.  You and I both know what will happen. 

God, help me to love my master so much that I will take my eyes off of the world and the things of the world and focus on you.  Help me to hear and obey your command to “leave it”.

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