Over the last few years we
have seen a flood of books and sermons regarding church growth. There are seminars, conventions and clinics
in abundance about the topic. Educated
folk want to teach us how to grow our church and make our mark on our
community, nation and the world. I think that’s a good thing, IF they have the
right answer. Since so many ideas have been placed on the market for our
consideration I thought that I might add my thoughts to the mix.
What can we do? What can we present? What actions must we take to get the
attention of the world and the un-churched?
What do we have to place on the screen that they will want to see? It’s not really a new question. Jesus Himself asked the question of the
people who came to see the “spectacle” if you will, of John the Baptist.
“What went ye out to see”
He asked them. Or if I could put it in
Chilton County wording, “What are you looking for?” If we knew the answer to that
question then perhaps we could provide that “thing” that men and women, boys
and girls around the world are actually seeking. If we provide what they are looking for, it
stands to reason, if you think of it in economic terms, that they will come to
where that commodity is being served.
I don’t think there is
enough space here to even begin to list all the things that churches have tried
and are trying to lure the lost into our fellowships.
We’ve tried teaching. We meet on
Sunday mornings for Sunday school and provide classes for all ages. We meet on Sunday nights and give a different
spin to the curriculum. We meet on
Wednesday night to study the Word. But
the people don’t come.
· We’ve tried contest. We have given away T.V.s and trips, computers and cars but the people are not coming.
· We’ve tried gimmicks. Whatever the newest fad happens to be, the church will try it. But the people are not coming.
Recently a pastor shared
with us one concept that the reason people were not coming to our church is
that the seats were configured incorrectly.
Instead of sitting in rows people wanted to sit in a semi-circle. Come
on. Really?
I believe we will find the
answer to our dilemma in John 12:21.
Jesus’ ministry on earth was in full swing. He had performed many miracles and changed
many lives. He had of late raised
Lazarus from the dead. He had just
ridden into Jerusalem on a colt and the people were thronging around him. And
some Greek men had heard about Him came to one of his disciples and made a
simple statement that I believe gives us the secret to drawing people to our
church and to God.
There statement was
simply, “Sir, we would see Jesus”. Notice
what they didn’t say. They did not say,
“Sir, we want to see a miracle”, or “Sir, we would like to learn about the kingdom
of God”, or “Sir, will you sing us a psalm”…but “Sir, we want to see Jesus”
It is my opinion that only
when we the people who are His disciples display Jesus to the world will their
deep inner desire be met. Oh, go ahead and teach, sing your heart out, put on
clinics, and conventions and any other ideas you might have but in all of those
They must see Jesus in our
church, in our music, in our preaching, in our teaching and especially IN OUR
LIVES before they will come to Christ. Until the world can look at us and see
Jesus we are spinning our wheels trying to promote church growth.