Thursday, September 19, 2013


A search and rescue (SAR) crew in Galveston, Texas in the early 70's stayed pretty busy. Hardly a day went by that  there wasn't a boat sinking, burning, lost, or broken down.  We spent many hours on and in the waters around that little island.  But there were occasions when life around the boat house and barracks would be dull. It was awful to have to sit around on a weekend especially, with the bright Texas sun, the Gulf waters and the hundreds of vacationers enjoying that beautiful island resort. 

At times the Officer of the Day would have mercy on us and send us out on "patrol". This was not a rescue mission but just a chance to get those pretty boats out in front of the public and let them see the Coast Guard presence.  We liked that. 

As we cruised through the waterways,if we saw a boater who might be speeding through a "no wake" zone or someone who looked like they were doing something unsafe or illegal we would turn on the "blue lights" and stop them.  We would board their vessel and inspect for proper fire extinguishers, life vest, etc.   

Often during these "excursions"  the minds and eyes of the 18,19 and 20 year old boys performing that task would wonder.  The young ladies occupying those pleasure craft would,on occasion be attired in clothing which might not have an ample amount of material to "cover the topic".  One can understand the proclivities of a young man under those circumstances. Our minds and eyes would wonder.

When that would happen it was common to hear these words coming from one of your crew members, "Hey, keep your eyes on the boat". You see the Coast Guard was concerned about the focus of it's crew.  The U.S. Coast Guard wanted it's men to keep their attention on the important points of operating a vessel.  They didn't want their crews to be distracted by other things.

I don't believe the Coast Guard operated on the Sea of Galilee. Nowhere in the Word does it tell us that Jesus ever was a member of the "bathtub Navy" although He did record a number of hours on the water.  But God has the same concern for His people as the Guard has for it's sailors.  He wants those who call themselves by His name to stay focused. He wants them to look in the right direction and not be distracted. He wants them to keep their attention on the important aspects of their journey.

Let me give you a couple of scriptures to prove my point. 

In Hebrews 12: 2 we are told we need to be "..looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith". We are not to compare ourselves to pastors, or other Christians.  We are not supposed to follow new movements and ideas.  We are to "look to Jesus" and keep our eyes on Him. Follow His example and walk in His steps.

Doctor Luke records the words of Jesus in Luke 9:62 when He said, "No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God"

None of us are worthy or fit for the kingdom but it's obvious that if one starts out serving God and then turns away and returns to the "flesh pots of Egypt" that they would be even less "fit for the kingdom" but Jesus goes farther than that. He is concerned about our focus.  He is concerned about what captures our attention.

Where are you looking today?  What is occupying your attention?  Straying from the narrow way is not hard, especially if we are looking at the wrong things or in the wrong direction. Focus on His Holiness, look at the life of Jesus, set your sights on Heaven. Please don't get mad at this old "Coastie" today if I just stop by and reminded you to "keep your eyes on the boat"?