Monday, August 26, 2013


ACTS 16: 25-34


It is easy to see that Paul and Silas served a God of miracles.  Time and time again in their ministry we see God not only showing up but “showing out”. 

In 1986 there was a movie that came out entitled, Children of a lesser God.  Although the female star of the movie won an Oscar for her performance , I personally didn’t think it was that great.

It was sort of a love story, built around two characters, one a male teacher at a deaf school.  The other a female janitor or custodian at that same school. 

Although I didn’t care for the movie I loved the idea of the title.  It alluded to the premise that if you were deaf your God was less than the God that hearing people served,  thus the title “Children of a lesser God”. 

That is really a foolish notion isn’t it? 

But do you and I think the same thing?  To look at my life and listen to me talk sometimes you  would think that the God I serve is a lesser God than the God served by Paul and Silas. 

Paul’s God would respond to his prayers. Paul’s God could shake the foundations of a Roman jail, break open the barred doors, supernaturally loose the iron shackles that held their hands and feet and cause the stocks to spring open like an old time “jack-in-the-box”. 

His God would work miracles that others saw.  They recognized that God was at  work.  Their knees shook like a teen-age girl at a horror movie. 

The miracles that Paul’s God worked were not only miracles of nature but they were “spiritual miracles” that made grown men fall at Paul’s feet and cry out “What must I do to be saved”?  Miracles that changed lives and families.

QUESTION:  How long since that happened to you and I?  Oh, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that.  Because you and I serve a “lesser God”.  We can’t expect miracles can we?

If we were honest and truthful we should ask Gene to put this message on the sign out front:

                                                                    Our goals are short-sided

Our faith is too flimsy

Our God is too small

Don’t come to our church expecting miracles.  Don’t come to our church expecting your children or your loved ones to be saved.  Don’t come to our church expecting God to deliver your family from habits, addictions, or the chains of sin.  We serve a lesser God.
·         Honestly, realistically, practically, you don’t believe that YOUR God can forgive your sins do you?

·         Honestly, realistically, practically, you don’t believe that YOUR God can give you His Holy Spirit and deliver you from the chains of sin so you don’t serve sin, do you?

·         Honestly, realistically, practically, you don’t believe that YOUR God can change the lives of your loved ones do you?

Do you really believe that God can make such a change in you that you can live a life with the “differential advantage” that Bro. Lyle spoke about on Sunday?  Can YOUR God so touch your life that you will live differently and act differently and talk differently and THINK differently than you do now?!

Or, or, ……are you a child of a “lesser God”?

Oh, that we as a church, as a people, as individuals would fall at the feet of Jesus and asked the God of Miracles to do that in our lives. 

He is the “Omni’ God:  Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent


But we talk a good game don’t we? 

When I was playing ball all of this “trash talking” was not allowed.  We were expected to show “sportsmanship”.  It wasn’t “in your face”, finger pointing, end-zone dancing ball.  You proved yourself on the field.  You let your playing do your talking. 

Not so today.  If a sack is made, it looks like a tribe of Indians are dancing around the quarterback.  All the pointing and yelling and strutting.  Personally, I don’t like it.  It’s not the way I was taught to play ball.

We do our share of trash talking at church too. We talk about our God who can do anything.  We talk about how He can heal the sick, and provide money for those in need.  We talk about how He can touch the lives of our children and loved ones and save them.  Oh, we talk a good game……but where is our faith?

Our faith is so flimsy we don’t expect God to answer our prayers at all.  Do you remember the story we studied just a few weeks ago of the church that was praying for Peter to be released from prison and when God ACTUALLY freed him and he walked up and knocked on the door…..they wouldn’t even believe it was him. 

Praying for rain is good, but praying for rain and then bringing your umbrella is faith. 
It’s wonderful that we pray and ask God for the things we need…..but where is your umbrella? 

Our faith is too flimsy.  Paul had eyes of faith that could see the Big Picture and see the big goals.

III.  SHORT-SIGHTED GOALS:  I wasn’t there that night in the jail at Philippi.  I know you think I am that old, but I’m not.  I don’t know exactly what Paul and Silas prayed about, but I just bet my tractor against your long handled hoe that they didn’t pray:  “God, bless us today.  God, help us to do better.  God, help us be better Christians”

I doubt that they even prayed for God to release them from the chains.  I think Paul and Silas were praying that God’s Kingdom would be lifted up by the things that were happening to them. 

Their goals were not short-sited goals.  They prayed for eternal goals.  God’s goals.  They didn’t look at what made them feel good or their comfort.  They looked at KINGDOM GOALS…..and then PRAISED GOD and sang songs to let folk know where their hearts were.  (THE PEOPLE HEARD THEM)

And when they prayed, and sang and praised God…….THEN CHAINS FELL OFF!

“God my back hurts”, “God I need some money to pay my bills”, “God my car won’t run right”

Oh, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t pray for things like that.  God can and will answer “little prayers” but are we so “short-sighted” that we can only see our little needs?

Where are the BIG PRAYERS? 






Our God is not a “lesser God”.  We serve the same God that Paul and Silas served.  The God, according to His own Word that is “the same, yesterday, today and forever”. 

·         The God who sucked up the Red sea so His people could walk across on dry ground

·         The God who delivered color and light to blind eyes

·         The God who made cripple feet walk, NO LEAP AND RUN

·         The God who fed 5000 from a little boy’s lunch box

·         The God who made dead hearts beat and dead lungs breath again

·         The God who shook jail houses and opened chains and stocks


Don’t ask God to “bless you” when He wants to bless the world through you.

Don’t be satisfied for a little “buzz” when God wants to give you an earthquake.