When Gracie goes walking with Keva she stays pretty close. She will not let Keva get out of here sight. I guess she thinks she is being the "protector". But when Gracie and I go walking it's a different story. She will hang behind or wonder off somewhere getting into whatever she can find and that's ok with me. I think I'm past the point where I need a little dog to take care of me.
Sometimes she will sniff around the creek where the deer crossed early this morning. Sometimes she will jump a rabbit and chase it for a few feet until she gets tired or disinterested. Often she will return to the same crossings or spots that she visited on the previous trip. There is a story there in itself. Often I return to sniff of things that are bad for me or things that have done me no good in the past. I should leave those things alone. But that's a different story for another time. Let's move along.
I really want Gracie to stay close. You see, she is small and already she has jumped a coyote and a big ole ground hog and it was all I could do to keep her from getting hurt or worse. There have been times that she wondered away. She forgets where she is going or what she is doing. She has had her mind on other things. So I tend to watch her as closely as I can.
This morning she and I were walking down in the "tabernacle" in the early morning cool. I had finished praying and turned toward home. I notice that she was not bouncing along beside me or running on ahead so I turned to look for her.
There she was, way back down the trail. She was sniffing and looking and playing around but she was on the trail and headed in the right direction.
You know, that's what I want for my kids and grand kids. Oh, I know they won't be as far along the road as I am. After all, I had a pretty big head start on them. But I want them to be following along down the right trail.
I've tripped over my share of stumps along this way. I've fallen into some pretty cold waters and been tangled in briar's and vines until I thought I'd never be free. But I am on the right trail and headed in the right direction. I know that because I'm following in His footsteps.
Paul, in I Corinthians 11:1 said "Be ye follower of me". Oh, he wasn't setting himself up to be a big shot. He didn't think he was better than anyone else or a super hero Christian. I believe he simply knew where he was going and wanted his people to follow.
Like Paul, it makes me feel good when from time to time one of the children or grandchildren say something, do something or act in a way that lets me know they are on the right trail.
I just want to tell you this morning that I know where I'm going. Oh, I've never been there before but I'm positive that I'm on the right track. My nose is to the ground. I have the scent. My eyes are on the horizon, scanning, looking, straining to see that beautiful place where I'm headed.
Don't get angry at me children when I whistle or call out to you from time to time. I'm just wanting to make sure you are on the right trail. Go on and chase your rabbits. Go on and do a little exploring. But never lose sight of the trail. And make sure you leave a clear path for those who are following along behind you.
"Come on Gracie. Let's go to the house"
"Come on Children. Let's go Home".